In Focus: Beyond advice  

'Deep relationships can’t just start and end in December'

Rob Heath

Rob Heath

As we move further into winter and the festive season, we are fully aware that this can be an emotional time for many of our members.

We feel we must be here for them at this time, just as much as any other.

With our members' (clients') wellbeing being one of our key priorities, we know that vulnerabilities can be heightened during this period.

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That’s why we’re generous with everything we possibly can be: our time, knowledge, and experience. 

This is where just relying on standard industry codes of conduct and qualifications simply isn’t enough for us. 

The connection we have with our members is more than just numbers, reports, and the next annual review, it's mutual partnerships and building individual relationships with each other. 

We don’t just manage our member's wealth; we know how they like their coffee, their children’s birthdays, milestones and anniversaries of both themselves and their loved ones, life experiences that may have happened not only throughout the year but even more poignant during this period, which for most is a time of celebration but for many others, a time of reflection. 

Having this strong relationship and deeper understanding of our member's circumstances means we know when they may need us a little bit more than usual, allowing us to increase our levels of communication and touch points.

Whether it's an additional email, an extra text, a home visit, or an invite over to our office for a chat and a mince pie. It's just about letting them know that we are here for them and reassuring them during this period and into the new year. 

We have created a network where our members can connect through events that we do, such as our annual golf day, or our recent Christmas drinks evening, allowing them to get out of the house, and enjoy a couple of hours chatting to our team or other like-minded members.

The impact that these events have goes far beyond wealth management, which is incredibly important to us as our members share almost everything going on in their lives with us.

They are the people who put a great deal of faith and trust in us, so the very least we can do at this time of the year is to make sure they are OK. 

But an important point, and one that quite often gets missed in our industry is that deep relationships can’t just start and end in December, they are built over several years through trust, openness, and transparency, which for us means that when our members truly need us, if that be at Christmas or any other time, they know they can count on us.