In Focus: Advice for Women  

Why changing the triple lock would hit women hardest

  • To understand the problems with the triple-lock.
  • To be able to explain the mechanism to pensioners.
  • To be able to help women achieve better retirement outcomes.

This is why Greer comments: "The state pension will not provide an income required for a comfortable standard of living in retirement, and really will just provide for basic living. A private pension is therefore vital – particularly when you consider the costs of social care."

Until a suitable compromise is found for state pension uprating (if such a Holy Grail exists), and until the gender pay and pension gaps begin to close, it is therefore imperative that women are encouraged as early as possible to save as much as possible. 

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Greer, the government will change the triple lock to ensure what?

  2. What would Greer prefer the government to move to, rather than making a wholesale change to the triple lock?

  3. How does Webb describe the 8.8 per cent figure?

  4. According to Greer, Women are almost twice as likely to say they rely on the state pension than men. True or False?

  5. According to Altmann, abandoning the earnings link does what?

  6. According to Webb, any long-term change to the formula for state pension uprating will affect who more?

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  • To understand the problems with the triple-lock.
  • To be able to explain the mechanism to pensioners.
  • To be able to help women achieve better retirement outcomes.

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