Your Industry  

'I was given a safe space to grow and I want to do the same for others'

“Looking back, there is a massive difference for me between constantly running from a past that haunts you, and constantly running towards being better and doing better.

"And this is an opportunity that Cairn gave me that I'll always be thankful for.”

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She said her own experience has shown her how important it is to give people a chance and gave the example of a young man who applied for an admin role at Cairn. 

Young said she could see his potential despite not having experience in the field. 

She added: “One of the great things about the role I do is that I'm able to give people these chances.

“And it's the exact same thing that was said to me all those years ago: ‘Here's the opportunity, You've got to make it happen if you want it’.”


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