Personal Finance Society  

PFS appoints Oakmere boss as president

PFS appoints Oakmere boss as president
Brown immediately succeeds Anthony Ward (Carla Brown)

The Personal Finance Society has appointed Carla Brown, chief executive of Oakmere Wealth Management as president. 

In an email sent on Tuesday (September 23), seen by FT Adviser, the PFS informed its members of the news. 

Brown, who has been a board member of the PFS and most recently was elected vice president, has immediately succeeded Anthony Ward, who held the position since March 2023. 

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She founded her firm Oakmere Wealth Management in January 2012 and is a chartered financial planner.

Ian Callaghan, CII president, said: “The CII Board wishes to put on record its deep appreciation and thanks to Anthony for his service to PFS members as president over the past year, and more generally for his continued passionate and dedicated support for the PFS that now extends over 20 years. 

“We are grateful that he is remaining on the PFS board, to assist Carla and the other directors to take forward his presidential themes, providing real benefit to members and, through them, the wider public.”

Brown said her presidential theme for this year was education as she believed through “continuous learning and collaboration” the profession could be unified. 

“Together we can build a stronger, more knowledgable community, where the highest standards of trust and professionalism are at the heart of everything we do,” she added.