Chartered Insurance Institute  

CII wants to be first at the table in policy-making talks

Safe spaces

But part of this is making sure that there is full collaboration between boards at the CII.

Referencing past issues, which reached crisis point in December 2022, he said: "A question to ask is how much the PFS board sits and discuss strategy, so we are heading for a board-to-board discussion at the beginning of October to lay out strategies. 

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"The PFS chief executive is also a member of the executive leadership team that I've established here at the at the CII, which should give the PFS  much greater influence over how resources are deployed.

"Look, in recent times the touch points perhaps not been there to enable us to have this kind of discussion, but we have started putting them in place and we only expect them to get stronger as we as we go forward."

Hill, who previously told FT Adviser he was the "best damn bus pass laminator that Middlesborough ever had", said it's not just about communication but also about "visibility, transparency and trust", key virtues he wants to nurture in the ongoing relationship.

He added: "I think it also is the willingness to show your workings out, and the creation of safe spaces, and the ability to exercise candour. I would say absolutely that creating that psychologically safe space for people to be able to say things is really important."