Your Industry  

Lack of trainee roles creates a 'catch 22' for advice gap

Social media 

Beck believed social media was being used by the industry as a force for good in raising awareness about the profession. 

He explained: “It can only be a force for good if it's used to create awareness. Everyday people are asking for help on LinkedIn and they're getting help with quite a few success stories.

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“Firms are clubbing together, they're saying, 'we just had a candidate come through the door. Unfortunately, we don't have any space but this person is amazing. Let's get this person a role.' So for that reason, it's just a win win.”

Beck believed that more advisers using social media channels like LinkedIn to raise awareness and be more proactive will ultimately help to get more people into the profession.

“There are so many resources available for young entrants, like podcasts and newsletters, which I didn’t have when I was starting out. This is thanks to the people in our industry who are constantly raising the profile of the sector. By being more proactive as an industry I can prevent the ‘Ben’ behind me having the same issues I had.”