FTAdviser Top 100  

All the FTAdviser Top 100 winners - revealed!

FTAdviser Top 100 2023
Unveiling the top UK financial advice firms of the year

Client retention, growing assets under management in a difficult market, achieving personal and corporate chartered status - these are all factors taken into consideration when assessing the FTAdviser Top 100 Advisers.

This year, FTAdviser celebrated with those companies making it onto the Top 100 list at the Financial Advice Forum, in the Leonardo Royal Hotel, City, near the Tower of London. 

No heads rolled - but cold bubbly was poured as guests and winners alike celebrated the achievements of colleagues and peers over the past 12 months. 

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Attendees also heard from Nick Wakeham, head of sales for ISS Market Intelligence, which compiles the data for FTAdviser every year. 

He explained the methodology (which can be found in full, in the image link above) and talked about some of the factors that go into creating the Top 100 lists, and why we tweak the methodology each year to keep it fresh and ensure that we capture a broad sweep of financial advice firms, large and small, across the UK.

To read the full lists as well as the methodology, click on the link above. 

Once again, congratulations to all who made it onto the FTAdviser Top 100 2023.