Chartered Insurance Institute  

Adviser's Facebook posts under scrutiny by CII

The adviser told FTAdviser they "wholeheartedly disagreed with racism", adding that they attend football matches regularly with their daughter "and we see the punishment - and rightly so - for people who use racist abuse".

Similarly, they said: "I equally do not agree with anything homophobic, anti-Semitic, gender discriminatory or anything that inflicts people’s right to be who they want to be. 

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"However comedy is there to poke fun at all of us and although some of what I share is contentious, it is not there to harm or discriminate. My Facebook page is private so why would I want to insult friends and family?"

The adviser also said there may have been some previous employees or connection of theirs who may hold a grudge. They told FTAdviser: "To be honest, it sounds like someone is trying to hurt my business and I can think of a couple of people who would be vindictive enough to flag this with FTAdviser/ the CII.

“I am a little surprised that the person who has done this has chosen to do so anonymously - that shows to me that this is simply a vindictive attack from either a disgruntled ex-employee or a mutual connection of such. 

"It is also difficult to understand why the person would not approach me first for an apology for the offensive content before trying to harm my business and my reputation. I would suggest that no offence has been caused whatsoever."

The whistleblower did not disclose any connection to the firm or to the adviser.

There is no suggestion that the firm itself has approved of or posted any controversial or concerning images on its professional Facebook page. 

The CII said the investigation, which is confidential, was still ongoing and said: "We would encourage anyone else who has concerns in this case, or others, to contact us via

"Disciplinary matters are confidential by their nature and it would be inappropriate for us to comment further at this stage.”