
Why neurodivergent workforces boost your firm's resilience

Strengths and challenges

Kirby feels it is vital to adapt to neurodiversity, not only because neurodiverse people can contribute very positively in a much needed way to organisations, but also because she considers it an important practise to take very generalist approaches and tailor them more towards meeting unique needs. 

“Some people don't like the term 'neurodivergent' but what we are discussing is diverging positively away from a social norm or average that creates a structure that excludes people who don't fit into it.

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"We have assumed most people can talk, walk, have good literacy and numeracy skills and work in teams.

"The reality is that we can diverge positively with our strengths, which is exactly what financial institutions need to attract talent, but recognise that someone can also have a 'spiky profile' and have challenges.

"Someone could be amazing at maths but have real spelling challenges.

She says: "If we say we are all different, that is true, but we also need to recognise that systems based on an 'average' person in reality don't completely fit anyone."

By being responsive to differences in the capability profile of all employees, especially those who are neurodivergent, organisations can position themselves to leverage these differences through employee collaboration. 

Harris concludes: “Embracing differences allows the organisations to leverage the potentially huge source of value and competitive advantage they represent."

By plugging each other’s capability gaps, neurotypical and neurodivergent employees can maximise each other’s productive potential.

This is especially important as the strengths and capabilities offered by neurodivergent employees are often deemed incredibly rare and valuable. Companies that practice cognitive diversity are genuinely more innovative and productive.”

Anita Boniface is a freelance journalist

Diversity in Finance Awards 2023: have you entered yet?

The FTAdviser Diversity in Finance Awards 2023 are still open for submissions across a range of categories. 

Click here for more information on the entry criteria and keep visiting FTAdviser.com for updates.