Diversity and Inclusion  

Embracing neurodiversity in the workplace

  • Describe some of abilities of neurodiverse people
  • Identify how neurodiverse people can contribute to financial services
  • Explain some of the pitfalls/perceptions of neurodiverse employees

“I am autistic and something that I only learned a year ago. My diagnosis has helped me to understand myself more and why I have always felt different to others,” she says.

“Instead of beating myself up for thinking that I'm socially inept, I am now able to give myself a break and say that I'm not weird, I'm just not suited to certain things.”

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Commenting on how her lived experience of neurodiversity affects her, Knowles says: “My autism affects me mainly in a positive way, it has meant that I am highly academic and my mind works well in a business and communications environment. This has meant that I have created a couple of successful businesses. 

“The negatives that I experience are heightened sensitivity to noise and smell, which can cause anxiety in social situations as I can become bombarded by my surroundings and have a flight response from wanting to get away from things.”

Asked how the industry might maximise opportunity to serve neurodiverse people better, Knowles comments that people who are neurodiverse can bring valuable skills to a company. 

“Companies are missing out by not taking the time to understand how neurodiversity can be an asset. Supporting colleagues and customers that are neurodiverse does not necessarily mean huge changes or lots of money. Most of the time it's about listening – and truly listening – to what someone else needs and caring enough to adapt yourself to meet those needs,” she says.

Take a balanced approach when learning about neurodiversity

Timpson says it is key “not to pigeonhole people but remember that neurodivergent people sit on a spectrum, with many having a propensity to be strong in relation to marketing, visioning, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, plus understanding and empathy”.

Kirby warns about the need to take a balanced approach when learning about and understanding neurodiversity. 

“There are a lot of headlines about people who are neurodivergent having super talents and superpowers. I think we need to be cautious about this approach,” she says.

“While we want to maximise people's talents and skills, some people will have significant challenges that need appropriate support. However, the support and adjustments that are often possible in a workplace setting are not expensive. They are often related to checking communication and ensuring there is an inclusive attitude towards others.” 

Jonny Briggs, diversity and inclusion director at Aviva, says: “Diverse organisations are more productive, more profitable and more resilient because the diversity brings in new and challenging perspectives, and it means our businesses accurately represent the communities we serve."

Anita Boniface is a freelance journalist


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. 100 per cent of neurodivergent traits are developmental, true or false?

  2. Neurodivserity is simply another word for autism, true or false?

  3. Which of the following is NOT a common trait of autism?

  4. What is dyspraxia?

  5. Why is the insurance industry particularly good for neurodiverse people?

  6. It is not a good idea to make a big thing about a neurodiverse person's 'super talents'. True or false?

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of abilities of neurodiverse people
  • Identify how neurodiverse people can contribute to financial services
  • Explain some of the pitfalls/perceptions of neurodiverse employees

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