Today (July 9) is the last day on which to cast your votes for the 31st Financial Adviser Service Awards, after a year in which providers' service to intermediaries has been tested like never before.
Fifteen months on from the start of lockdown measures, FTAdviser is again canvassing advisers' opinions on the service they receive from providers across the financial services industry.
Last year, our 30th awards voting period saw advisers take into account the way providers reacted to the arrival of remote working measures.
One year on and the bar is set higher: who has flourished and who has floundered in the so-called new normal? Which businesses have adapted well, and which are still lagging behind?
As ever, individual votes will be treated in the strictest confidence, and will be collated by CoreData Research over the next four weeks.
So click here to have your say, and to share your views on lifecos, asset managers, platforms, DFMs, back-office providers and others. The results should paint a valuable picture of how companies have responded to a tumultuous period.