
Covid disrupts advisers' plans for the future

Boylan said: “Fewer hours spent commuting may have led to greater flexibility in how we structure our working weeks, but many will also have benefited from the digitisation of certain processes. 

“Technology has helped many of us to adapt to a different way of working and led to increased efficiencies as a result. As companies consider how they might adapt their working practices over the months to come, their use of technology is likely to play a key role in maintaining this new-found time.

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Boylan added: “Not many of us would claim to have sailed through the last year without experiencing some level of stress or anxiety. 

“However, our research shows that levels of career satisfaction remain consistently high amongst advisers - at 86 per cent compared with 88 per cent last year - suggesting that despite the challenges many have faced, the industry has once again embraced the opportunity to adapt and innovate.”

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