This adviser spends her week returning to ‘normal’ with socially distanced meetings, ending the week with some family time
The week kicks off with a run at 7.30 with my neighbour.
We are following the ‘couch to 5k’ app in an attempt to undo the effects of lockdown.
I make it back time for a shower and breakfast, and get ready for our Monday morning team Skype call.
It is lovely to catch up and plan for the week ahead. I spend the morning preparing for my client review meeting at 11am, and spend the afternoon completing paperwork and research for a fund switch.
Clients are still nervous about how their funds will perform if there is a second wave of Covid-19 and these clients wanted to take a little less risk with their funds.
Today I have a meeting with my solicitor. Part of what we discuss is around setting up powers of attorney. She emphasises the importance of a power of attorney for everyone (including my 16-year-old twins) and how it is not about taking powers away from people, but it is empowering people to make their own decisions now for situations that may arise in the future.
I have another telephone annual review this afternoon, part of which involves a conversation around power of attorneys.
The weather is awful today so ‘mum’s taxi’ is in action for the school run.
I spend my morning catching up on admin and paperwork from yesterday’s review meeting. I have a lunchtime acupuncture session, which is surprisingly relaxing even though it involves needles.
Then it is back to my desk for another client annual review. One of my existing clients calls to ask me to call his friend as she wants to discuss her retirement options. I have a quick chat and arrange a socially distanced meeting next week.
I always appreciate when a client refers me on to their friends and family.
Mum’s taxi is out again and it’s not even raining. At least schools are back now so I can work with no interruptions. I join a Webex meeting run by Prudential, which was really useful around adding value at client reviews.
There is a lot I can incorporate in my review meetings. I try to keep my CPD up to date so I am not playing catch up at the end of the year. I have no client meetings today so my day has been catching up on emails and paperwork.
Out for a quick run with my neighbour first thing. Today I have my first socially distanced face-to-face client meeting since March. I am helping a client with information that she needs to gather for her tax return and carrying out her annual review.
Although I am a bit apprehensive, it is so good to get back out and about and wear work clothes again.