
Guide to advice during the pandemic

  • Explain some of the concerns clients have right now
  • Identify some of the issues with videoconferencing
  • Describe The Pensions Regulator's stance towards DB pension transfers
Guide to advice during the pandemic


The Covid-19 pandemic has turned most people's worlds upside down - either through direct contact with it, or through the transition, almost overnight, to social distancing and working from home.

This has made many changes to many aspects of people's lives, not least financial advisers and their clients.

This could be either the direct impact on stock markets, and consequent impact on investment portfolios and pensions; it could be the housing market, and knock on consequence onto the mortgage market; and it could be as simple as basic issues, such as how does and adviser hold a meeting with clients?

This guide will look at some of these questions, and try to address some of the issues most pressing in advisers' minds.

It is worth an indicative 60 minutes' CPD.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the first feature, what is the most common question posed to financial advisers by their clients?

  2. According to the second feature, clients are resisting the use of video conferencing, true or false?

  3. According to the second feature, what is one of the positive consequences of video conferencing?

  4. According to feature three, a transactional, churn-based business model will do well out of the crisis, true or false?

  5. According to feature three, what is likely to be the impact of the stock market falls on advisers' bottom line?

  6. According to the fourth feature, what stance has The Pensions regulator taken towards trustees of DB schemes?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • Explain some of the concerns clients have right now
  • Identify some of the issues with videoconferencing
  • Describe The Pensions Regulator's stance towards DB pension transfers

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