
Fos accuses adviser of trying to justify advice with hindsight

“I am not persuaded that the suitability letter adequately explained to Mr S the advantages and disadvantages of the various options open to him. In particular, I cannot see evidence to show that an annuity option was discussed. 

“I appreciate that Singer now says that was because at the time Mr S did not indicate that he wanted to consider one because he was not interested in ‘risk free investments’. 

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“But in my view, it was for Singer to set out all the options available to Mr S; it was not for him to discount one or more of the options without Singer demonstrating that Mr S understood the option he was discounting. 

“Without evidence that annuities were discussed, I am not persuaded that Singer fulfilled its obligation to Mr S in this respect. 

“I have concluded that suitable advice would have been to buy an annuity. 

Singer Financial Trust was ordered to compensate Mr S and return him to the position he would be in now but for the unsuitable advice. 

The adviser must also pay Mr S £200 for the trouble and upset caused. 
