
What advisers should know about simple protection policies

  • Identify the challenges of simple protection policies
  • Explain how the adviser sales process might determine usage
  • Identify the advantages of simple IP and CI cover

So, is price enough to make simpler products worthwhile?

According to Higgs, often the price differential between standard and simple products is relatively small or not in line with adviser perception of cost, particularly at low sums assured. This can provide a barrier to using simple plans as advisers find it easy to up-sell to a standard plan by highlighting the extra cover the client may receive.

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"It's also worth bearing in mind that savings, as usual in life, come at a cost. In this case, access restrictions. For example, where there are limited underwriting questions, it will likely be the case that only healthier clients will qualify, or there will be limited age, sum assured or non-medical underwriting limits," explains Higgs.

“As such, advisers can often be wary of being caught out and unless they are absolutely sure their client will fit the profile, they will look at more traditional products.”

This reminds us of something similar a pensions adviser said years ago, that every layer of pensions simplification was by default complicated because you are adding to what is already there.

Naomi Greatorex, managing director of Health Protection Solutions, says: “This is a very relevant area right now as I get so many questions asking my opinion on simple products and whether or not they make the advice process even more confusing.

“In my opinion, the layers of different products make the advice process and also clients more confused. It is useful to encourage a conversation with clients on cost versus more comprehensive benefits, however it is complicated.

"I also think as we get more and more complex choices and more with/without options, this could be a turn off for advisers who do not give protection advice regularly.”

Kevin Carr is managing director and Suzanne Clarkson is associate consultant at Carr Consulting & Communications


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. True or false, Adam Higgs says simple products can be defined as any policy that has been designed to make the traditional policy simpler to understand and/or apply for?

  2. Which of the features listed below is NOT mentioned in the article as a feature found in protection products that adds value to a client, according to Adam Higgs?

  3. What is one of the reasons that Alan Knowles gives for favouring AIG’s Instant Life Cover?

  4. What is one of the biggest issues with income protection cover, as mentioned in the article?

  5. True or false, Alan Lakey says to simplify CI policies he would re-design the brochures to reduce verbiage and avoid unnecessary duplication?

  6. Which insurer products have introduced income protection plans that have no financial assessment of income?

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You should now know…

  • Identify the challenges of simple protection policies
  • Explain how the adviser sales process might determine usage
  • Identify the advantages of simple IP and CI cover

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