
Kames Property Income Fund – building income from property


Just over three years ago we launched The Kames Property Income Fund with the primary aim of delivering an attractive return from investment in UK commercial property. Since then the property market has endured many changes including the stress created by the outcome of the Brexit vote which caused many retail property funds to close.

Despite these challenges our fund remained open and continued to deliver to its income and other objectives.

The AXIS presentation outlines our investment process and how, by investing in smaller lot sizes for liquidity and actively managing the property assets, the fund continues to deliver a strong and consistent income of over 5% p.a.

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The report includes:

View from Square Mile Research

Review by Gary Corcoran of Last Word Media

The fund’s managers talking about processes and aims

Thoughts from fund buyers

•    Historic yield 5.2%*
•    Annualised total return since launch of 6.89%**
•    Smaller lot sizes - £3-20m
•    Daily liquidity
•    Active asset management
•    Good quality tenants

*Source Kames Capital as at 31 May 2017 for B Acc Gross share class

**Source: Lipper, noon prices, GBP, as at 31 May 2017.  Inception date 28 March 2014. Figures are percentage growth (%), total return net of annual management charges Kames Property Income Fund B Gross Acc share class

For Professional Clients only and not to be distributed to or relied upon by retail clients.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Outcomes, including the payment of income, are not guaranteed.

Opinions expressed represent our understanding of the current and historical positions of the market and are not an investment recommendation or advice.

Where funds are invested directly or indirectly in property, investors may not be able to switch or cash in their investment when they want because the assets may not be readily realisable. If this is the case we may defer a request to switch or cash in units. 

Fund Charges are taken from capital, increasing distributions but constraining capital growth.

The document is accurate at the time of writing but is subject to change without notice.

Kames Capital plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

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