
7IM model portfolios available on Fidelity platform

7IM model portfolios available on Fidelity platform

Adviser platform 7IM has announced that its range of responsible choice and blended model portfolios are now available on Fidelity Adviser Solutions.

The firm said the ranges cater for various risk appetites, consisting of: cautious, moderately cautious, balanced, moderately adventurous and adventurous.

They will all be available on the adviser investment platform from Fidelity International.

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Paul Richards, head of distribution at Fidelity Adviser Solutions, said: “With growing demand for solutions which allow clients to align their investments with their values, we are continuing to build upon the range of products and services we offer to support this. 

“The addition of 7IM’s responsible choice and blended model portfolios to Fidelity Adviser Solutions marks one of the latest examples of this.”

Managed by 7IM’s investment management team, the responsible choice and blended model are supported by the firm’s risk management processes and strategic asset allocation framework.

The firm said its blended models offer an affordable way for clients to benefit from its tactical asset allocation approach.

By implementing predominately passive instruments in their asset allocation, prices are kept low, while optimising client returns and risk exposures, it explained.

Meanwhile, its responsible choice models are aimed at clients looking for a multi-asset option that incorporates responsible, ethical and sustainable principles. 

Verona Kenny, managing director, intermediary at 7IM, said: “It’s fantastic that we are able to bring our responsible choice and blended model portfolios to more advisers by having them available on Fidelity’s Adviser Solutions platform. 

“We believe choice is paramount for advisers so that they can meet their clients’ investment goals in a manner that suits them, whether that’s through an ESG-focused offering or otherwise.”

The firm's ranges are available to advisers through 7IM’s platform as well as other investment platforms, including Aviva, M&G Wealth, Novia, Standard Life and Transact.

Kenny added: “If the past few months, let alone the past few years, have taught us anything, it’s to ensure clients’ investments are prepared for volatility. 

“We believe proper diversification through multi-asset portfolios across a range of risk appetites is the best way to help clients achieve this – and that’s precisely what our model portfolios offer.”


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