FT Wealth Management  

Can investing in British assets work for savers?

  • List what the government means by British assets
  • Explain how companies are investing in UK assets
  • Summarise the pros and cons of UK asset investing

Melanie Tringham is features editor for FT Adviser 

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Jaffrey, the UK market is essentially what?

  2. Jaffrey suggests investing in what?

  3. Simeon Willis says nobody can know the true value of what?

  4. Mckinsey says the private markets sector is having something of a what?

  5. Naomi Clark says there are good risk-adjusted returns to doing what?

  6. True or false: Edwards says an infrastructure fund life can be seven years to 25 years?

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  • List what the government means by British assets
  • Explain how companies are investing in UK assets
  • Summarise the pros and cons of UK asset investing

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