Whitehall Group launches property-focused Sipp

Whitehall Group launches property-focused Sipp
(Pawel Czerwinski)

Whitehall Group has launched a Sipp focussed on commercial property and standard assets.

The product is available through advisers as well as directly to clients.

Richard Mattison, founding director of Whitehall Group, said the Sipp has been launched in response to demand from existing adviser introducers and partly as a result of the FCA’s consumer duty.

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He said: “This launch marks a return to the original purpose of Sipps – true self-investment such as purchase of commercial property with a personal pension, rather than today’s many non-property Sipps catered for by low-cost investment platforms, that are on offer. 

“The demand for a genuine Sipp is as high as ever due to the obvious tax advantages of holding bricks and mortar in one’s pension and we see no sign of this changing.”

Paul Edwards, head of operations at Kellands Chartered Financial Planners, said: “This is an interesting new offering from Whitehall Group, whose Ssas service we have always been impressed with. 

“We are constantly striving to offer our clients the most appropriate products for their financial planning needs, be they business owners or private individuals.

“Whitehall has a reputation for high service standards and this refreshing root and branch approach to Sipps will fill a gap in the market.”

Whitehall Group has developed its own proprietary IT and back and front office systems which provide online and real time facilities to clients and their advisers. 

It said this enables full control of the product and allows the firm to develop and improve the proposition as markets evolve.