Pension Dashboard  

Time to ‘get your house in order’ in run-up to pension dashboard launch

  • Describe some of the challenges of bringing the pensions dashboards up to working order
  • Explain what advisers should be doing to prepare their clients
  • Identify elements that can make the data difficult to deal with

Until then, advisers could look at whether they can retire any old ways of working that mean they are holding more data than necessary. 

We will see some interesting changes to ways of working as we get close to dashboards implementation. Advisers should take action now to fully embrace the change. 

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Jonathan Hawkins is principal business consultant at Bravura Solutions


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. All pensions dashboards data is held on a central database, true or false?

  2. Pensions dashboards could increase the risk of cyber attacks by creating a ‘honeypot’ of valuable customer data that hackers will target, true or false?

  3. Which organisation has provided guidance on data matching conventions that should be useful to pension providers and schemes?

  4. What does ISP stand for, in this context?

  5. What are some things that can cause problems with data matching in pensions dashboards?

  6. Which one of these things should advisers NOT be doing now to prepare for pensions dashboards?

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of the challenges of bringing the pensions dashboards up to working order
  • Explain what advisers should be doing to prepare their clients
  • Identify elements that can make the data difficult to deal with

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