
Pending regulations could fall off the government's agenda

A spokesperson for the government said: “It is for the government to schedule business in the House of Commons and therefore the timeline will likely be determined by the relevant government department in cooperation with the office of the Leader of the House of Commons.”

Meanwhile Kay Ingram, director of public policy at LEBC, said she was concerned over the longevity of the current government.

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She said: “It is far from certain how long the government ‘s majority will last, so a general election and a new regime cannot be ruled out.  

"If a new regime were elected then the pensions and savings landscape could be very different, throwing up new challenges for financial advisers, savers and pension trustees.”

This was echoed by Mr Webb, who added: “I think there’s a strong chance of a general election, which would disrupt the process."

In response to the suspension of parliament, campaigner Gina Miller filed a request for an urgent judicial review prior to the suspension coming into force.

Mr Selby added that this, and the focus on Brexit negotiations, could take its toll.

“Opposition parties are on manoeuvres to stop a no-deal Brexit and we are in pretty unchartered territory here, so there is every chance the picture will change substantially in the next six weeks or so,” he said.