Selling, not selling out

Selling, not selling out

How to plan the sale of your business without compromising your clients.

The business of buying businesses is an interesting one, especially within the inherently risky IFA marketplace.

The path to sale isn’t always clear, especially when it comes to the ever-grey area of merging two businesses, as the human element of the deal is often ignored.

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Selling any business is a tough decision to make, it is life-changing and it must be right.

Business owners must consider how their clients will be looked after as well as how their people and shareholders will be recognised following a sale, as none of these groups should be disadvantaged as part of the acquisition process.

Fairstone, the UK’s largest chartered financial planning firm, offers support to IFA business principals.

Fairstone helps business owners to plan for the future, creating a real and clear exit strategy that includes a succession and sustainability plan to ensure they achieve the maximum value for their business.

If your strategy is still to be decided or even constructed, we can help.

If your ideal scenario is that your long-term clients can continue to receive the service they expect, your staff can get access to on-going opportunities and your business can achieve a market leading valuation, it’s time to talk to Fairstone.

Contact us: 

0845 605 0680 or email joinus@fairstone.co.uk