
'How can we get the most out of online and in-person conferences?'

Dan Atkinson

Dan Atkinson

My top five tips to get the most out of in-person conferences are:

  1. Pick the right one. Is the content aimed at you? Will it stretch or challenge you? Is it offering ‘more than’ an online equivalent?
  2. Prepare to receive. Ready your mind. Identify the areas you want to learn about. If you get to pick your sessions, be sure to select a wildcard that might not seem to fit you but could spark creative thought or deeper conversations.
  3. Bring your voice. Be an active participant. The Q&A slide is there for a reason – ask good questions so you can apply better. Ask other delegates what they thought.
  4. Network with peers. A professional network leads to better outcomes. We can share different perspectives and how we have overcome challenges.
  5. Seek the golden nugget. It is rare for every session to be full of relevant insights. Even if they are, how do you start applying them? Look for one golden nugget of wisdom that you can take away and use.

Dan Atkinson is a chartered financial planner, chair of the CISI Paraplanner Interest Group and head of technical at Paradigm Norton Financial Planning

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