In Focus: Vulnerability  

Why we cannot fail 'Generation Rent'

Anth Mooney

Anth Mooney

Lenders will have a critical part to play. The specialist lending sector has long been a vital component of the mortgage market.

We have already supported thousands of borrowers with complex circumstances and incomes to find their feet, using our expertise and knowledge to help them find a route onto the ladder.

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That role is now more important than ever as Generation Rent swells in the wake of Covid-19’s economic impact.

Millions of borrowers will soon need the support of lenders who are willing to understand their real-life circumstances.

To help them, we must work together – government, the housing sector and the mortgage market – to change mortgages for good and give everyone in our society a real chance of finding a safe place to call home.

Anth Mooney is chief executive of Vida