In Focus: Vulnerability  

Why vulnerability is more than just financial

Katie Crook-Davies

Katie Crook-Davies

The reduction in critical illness claims today will potentially have a knock-on effect further down the line due to later diagnosis and worsening outcomes, likely impacting both life and income protection insurance claims experience.

I expect that we’ll also see mental health really coming to the fore for income protection, even more so than it is currently, and the emergence of Long Covid in income protection claims experience. Again, this will be a key area of focus for the IPTF in 2021.

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Even with a fast-approaching light at the end of the tunnel, we know that 2021 will be a challenging year.

We need to continue working together to ensure the financially vulnerable stay protected, policies step in with vital health and wellbeing support and that those without cover are made aware of their options at a time when protection need awareness is up.

Katie Crook-Davies is managing director of Tabei