
How a week at FTAdviser alerted me to student debt

Joy Brooks-Gilzeane

Joy Brooks-Gilzeane

Before entering the world of financial journalism, albeit briefly, I had a sensationalised view of what the day to day job entailed.

I had envisioned a bustling office with colleagues conversing over potential stories and a burgeoning competitive edge as to who would find the best splash.

However, I was pleasantly surprised at the friendly work ethic at the Financial Times and was able to witness the complex nature of the investment world.

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While working on FTAdviser and Financial Adviser, I felt a great sense of independence as I was given the opportunity to contact people with financial expertise to comment on stories I’ve written.

It also gave me the chance to expand my writing style from being mostly creative and descriptive, to developing a clipped, punchy voice suitable for quick news reading.

Working with experienced editors and sub-editors offered me valuable insights into the world of news production.

I will now walk away with heightened knowledge on a vast range of subjects, knowing how to write stories in an objective way, and not to distort factual information. 

During the week, I was able to constantly learn on the job about finance. I’ve been alerted to the complex nature of the financial sector where links are forged between political events and world markets, and where a few tweets can have strong impacts on global equities.

For example, I got involved with breaking news centering on how North Korea's war threat to the peninsula and “sabre-rattling” by US President Trump impacts global stock markets.

The never-ending extortionate university fees are also currently a topical issue, and I also wrote about this while at FTAdviser.

I am part of the wave of young people who essentially will be paying £9250 a year just for tuition fees (this figure is also subject to yearly inflation). 

The pressure to attend university is at an all-time high due to the large number of well paid jobs having university degrees as a prerequisite.

I would however urge young people, if they can, to embark on a degree apprenticeship course, if possible to gain the best of both worlds - working and being taught, all the while being paid for the experience.

Or why not work for a year to save money and then attend university? To the bravest, the option to not attend university at all is always available.

In my opinion, there isn’t any point in going to university for the ‘sake of it’, only to be lumbered with £50,000 worth of debt once a graduate. 

Joy Brooks-Gilzeane was doing work experience with FTAdviser