Giving extra support to older members of the community is an important part of this adviser’s week
I do my admin at 8am. I know I can’t make calls at this time, so my head is clear to concentrate on tasks in hand. My youngest son is a key worker – he works at Tesco – and cannot drive yet, so I find time to drop him off at work and pick him up.
My diary time for calls and fact finds with clients runs from 10am to midday and then 2pm to 4pm, which is working well for me because I like structure to my day.
I request personal protective equipment from head office because I am finally going back out to see a client face-to-face in his own home.
We do, of course, carry out a thorough risk assessment with each client to make sure all is okay. I am greatly looking forward to seeing clients in their own homes again, as face-to-face meetings have always been the best part of my role as a lifetime mortgage adviser.
This morning I study for an in-house long-term care test. I am part of a small team of advisers that are trained to help clients with a lifetime mortgage get domiciliary care funding.
The study time was useful because I am due to sit my exam for long-term care insurance CF8 in a couple of weeks. Fortunately, the study material and exam fees are paid for by Legal & General because it enhances my role.
Every Tuesday at 1pm I have a chat with a lovely lady I was matched with as part of the Royal Voluntary Service’s Telephone Befriending scheme, set up during the lockdown to support the community and combat loneliness.
It is one of three charities – RVS, Carers First and Independent Age – that Legal & General is working in partnership with in this way. We always fill the full hour and have plenty to chat about. This is a lovely service and I am so pleased the company I work for actively promotes this.
Wednesdays mostly tend to resemble Tuesdays. I do work one or two evenings a week to take calls from clients who cannot be booked in during the day, however.
Today I am advising clients who have very diverse reasons for needing a lifetime mortgage.
I speak with one gentleman who wants to gift money to his son who has lost his job due to Covid, and another who needs to repay an interest-only mortgage that was due to be repaid.
In the evening, I focus on my CF8 studies, while my husband watches football on the TV.
This is my day to catch up on my admin, mainly.
I often have in-house training scheduled for my role in the vulnerable customer champion initiative, which aims to increase awareness of the needs of vulnerable customers and how to help them.