
Guide to multi-asset funds

  • To be able to broadly understand the purpose of multi-asset funds
  • To identify factors affecting multi-asset funds
  • To explain what investors look for in a multi-asset fund
Guide to multi-asset funds
(Olivier_Le_Moal/Envato Elements)


With so many asset classes unpredictable in nature, and somewhat intimidating for the novice investor, multi-asset funds are a way into the markets. They provide off the peg diversification, and allow the investor to take cautious steps, with a wider range of assets than the popular tech stocks may provide.

However, questions arise over what kind of performance they provide and whether they too have been adversely affected by rising interest rates.

In addition, some advisers are using passive funds to help with underperforming sectors, so that multi-asset funds can focus on areas where they can add value.

This guide is worth 60 minutes of CPD.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Oliver Blackbourn in the first article, what is one of the biggest issues holding back multi-asset investing?

  2. According to article two, what is 'prospect theory'?

  3. According to the second article, most events that cause a downward move in asset prices become less of a concern over time as markets typically recover, true or false?

  4. In the third article, what was Scott Gallagher's main concern about adopting a mixed portfolio?

  5. In the fourth article, according to Andy Miller, what do investors NOT want?

  6. Some firms use technology to flag issues with clients’ portfolios, making it aware that a meeting or changes could be necessary, true or false?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • To be able to broadly understand the purpose of multi-asset funds
  • To identify factors affecting multi-asset funds
  • To explain what investors look for in a multi-asset fund

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