
What is the outlook for sterling?

  • To identify the factors driving the current strong performance of sterling
  • To discover what drives the performance of a currency over the longer term
  • To understand how the changing inflation outlook could impact the performance of sterling

In such a scenario, he believes the Bank of England would prioritise reducing inflation and so raise rates even in a recession.

Lagarias says this would have the effect of causing sterling to continue to rise, despite the condition of the wider economy and in spite of what textbooks say. 

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“In the end, it is the interest rate which decides how a currency performs, nothing else,” he says.

Long-term outlook

If the outlook for sterling is largely to be determined by the direction of interest rates, and rates are to be largely determined by inflation rather than the economic outlook, then what is the outlook for UK inflation?

Recent data around both grocery and energy prices indicates that at least some of the inflationary pressures in the economy are dissipating. 

Konstantinos Venetis, director of global macro at consultancy TS Lombard, says that the current pattern globally is that inflationary pressures are easing.

More importantly, however, he says that in the UK, the domestically focused element of inflation — which he believes centres on both demand and supply in the services sector — is easing, particularly as wages stop rising at the same pace as previously. 

But the decline in inflation will be very slow, Venetis says, adding that this leaves policymakers “in a bind” as to whether to keep raising rates or not. 

Gerard Lyons, chief economic strategist at wealth management firm Netwealth, says rising interest rates help to reduce inflation in four ways:

  • reducing or limiting the amount of money in the economy; 
  • squeezing the level of demand in the economy via higher borrowing costs;
  • managing public expectations around the direction of inflation;
  • driving up the value of the currency relative to peer currencies, which itself is disinflationary, as it should mean imported goods cost less.

Also, as the UK runs a persistent current account deficit, a stronger currency over a prolonged period of time can have an outsized impact on the inflation rate, at least relative to countries that run current account surpluses. 

Lyons says higher interest rates take time to filter through to the wider economy, and this presents the Bank of England with a dilemma — since if it put rates up based on the current data, it could be demonstrated to be excessive.

He says: “All this adds to the challenge for policymakers to weigh up the full impact of previous tightening alongside responding, but not overreacting, to the latest economic data.

“People are paying higher prices, not because they want to, but because they have to or can. But as previous policy tightening feeds through, demand will slow and pricing power will ease.”

Lyons believes that the central bank will “retain a bias towards hiking” rates as long as unemployment remains low.