Vantage Point: Investing for Alpha  

Future-proofing your equity portfolio

  • To understand the different equity investment styles
  • To discover the impact of currency movements on equity performance
  • To understand how the higher oil price impacts equities

Jane is also mindful of not having too much exposure to any individual currency, though at present he has a lower-than-usual exposure to sterling, given volatility of the UK currency at present 

But Clive Emery, multi-asset investor at Invesco, says the evidence of this year so far is that currency exposure may not be all that it seems.

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He says: “Global equities are down around 23 per cent in US dollar terms, so one may have reasonably expected that more cautious portfolios should have outperformed the more aggressive equity-biased portfolios. However, currency has had a huge impact on overseas equity returns this year.

"Many investors are exposed to global equities on an unhedged basis currency perspective, meaning that many UK-based investors have benefitted from a weaker sterling.

"With sterling falling from $1.35 to $1.13 against the US dollar this year, the difference in returns has been quite stark – that 23 per cent loss in US dollar terms has been just an 8 per cent loss in sterling terms.

"So, cautious portfolios with significant exposure to duration may have significantly underperformed more aggressive portfolios. I think that this context has a lot to do with why cautious portfolios are now being called into question.”

David Thorpe is special projects editor at FTAdviser


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What oil price range does Edelsten consider "normal" for equity investors to consider?

  2. What reason does Nick Train give for growth stocks

  3. What number of stocks does Hargreaves believe are sufficient to provide diversification?

  4. When do bond proxy stocks do well?

  5. According to the artticle, by how much is the S&P down in sterling terms this year?

  6. Which of the below is a sector that Jane highlighted as one of his themes

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  • To understand the different equity investment styles
  • To discover the impact of currency movements on equity performance
  • To understand how the higher oil price impacts equities

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