Talking Point  

Investing in European equities

  • Explain the outlook for European equities
  • Identify the sectors that may survive or do well after the crisis
  • Explain how European equities compares to UK equities
Investing in European equities
Is it time to invest in European markets?

Europe has not been a particularly popular place to invest in, historically, for UK investors.

For example, 20 years ago or so, people talked of Germany as being the 'sick man of Europe'. How that has changed.

And, amid the current economic crisis, with more and more big companies in the UK, especially in retail and travel, making redundancies, investors may be looking elsewhere for their returns.

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Meanwhile, the severity of the coronavirus has also widened the gap between the investment world's winners and losers of recent years.

And although Europe is not immune from the crisis, there are certain factors which could make it a viable option for investors.

This report aims to examine how attractive European equities are to investors. It is worth 30 minutes of CPD.


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. True or false, the UK equity market and sectors such as energy registered substantial falls in February and March and have tended to lag other regions and sectors as asset prices have recovered.

  2. What is not given as one of the reasons why Europe has not been popular with investors for many years?

  3. What was the weighting that the FTSE Europe ex UK Index had to industrial goods and services at the of July?

  4. EU member states recently agreed on the establishment of a landmark EU recovery fund. As part of this, the European Commission is to raise:

  5. Do cyclical sectors such as industrials tend to do well if inflation picks up?

  6. True or false. While US equity returns have been led by the tech majors, Europe has exposure to some more mature industries that could behave differently if economic conditions change.

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • Explain the outlook for European equities
  • Identify the sectors that may survive or do well after the crisis
  • Explain how European equities compares to UK equities

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