In Focus: Managing the cost of living  

Everything you need to know about the Autumn Statement

  • Summarise the main measures contained in the Autumn Statement
  • Describe how measures affect advisers and clients
  • List potential changes to investments

Carmen Reichman is multi-media editor at FT Adviser

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What was the key change to the state pension announced in the Autumn Statement?

  2. The state pension uprating could push pensioners into paying income tax, warns Canada Life. True or false?

  3. Why does Shaun Moore describe the NI cut for the employed as "a miniscule nibble of carrot"?

  4. NI cuts will benefit everyone, including those over state pension age, says Steven Cameron. True or false?

  5. Which best describes Hunt's pot for life reforms?

  6. The chancellor has announced a new British Isa. True or false?

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You should now know…

  • Summarise the main measures contained in the Autumn Statement
  • Describe how measures affect advisers and clients
  • List potential changes to investments

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