In Focus: 10 years of RDR  

How investing has changed in 10 years of RDR

  • Explain how financial services changed in the first 10 years of RDR
  • Describe what part RDR played in shaping the market of the past 10 years
  • Describe how technology and regulation have evolved in tandem over the past decade

Challenges will persist but so will opportunities 

The consumer duty will empower all financial services businesses to clearly articulate their service and proposition en route to delivering good client outcomes.

The duty is also bound to offer a pathway to differentiation amongst advice firms. We will see how this plays out from H2 2023 onwards – and firms should expect platforms to support them in meeting their new regulatory requirements.

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While good data is now available, customer journeys and experiences are still not as collaborative as we have seen in other sectors.

As an industry we need to catch up, collectively embracing higher standards. However, full lifecycle advice with accumulation, transition and retirement planning – let us call it holistic advice – is achievable and can be successfully rendered with the help of the right platform partner, able and willing to actively collaborate with advisers in a shared effort to deliver for investors.

There is still work to do to apply technological advancement to reduce the cost of and increase access to advice, so it reaches the segments of the market who need it most.

If we can hasten this, we will be doing a great service to individuals who will be able to view the future with more confidence.

Confidence underpins markets, but it also fortifies investors to engage with and invest for their financial future.

Dylan Navra is head of product at Morningstar Wealth Management Solutions


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the author, how did consumers predominantly access investments ten years ago?

  2. According to the author, investors now have a weaker presence in the advice and investment process than ever before. True or false?

  3. Which was the biggest regulatory reform in the past 10 years for platforms and advisers, according to the author?

  4. According to the author, robo-advice has now more or less been parked by the industry. True or false?

  5. What triggered the expansion in the number of investment platforms in the UK, according to the author?

  6. Waht should advisers and platforms focus on next when it comes to using technology, according to the author?

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You should now know…

  • Explain how financial services changed in the first 10 years of RDR
  • Describe what part RDR played in shaping the market of the past 10 years
  • Describe how technology and regulation have evolved in tandem over the past decade

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