In Focus: Home ownership  

How the Autumn Statement will affect the housing market

  • Explain the measures contained in the Autumn Statement
  • Describe how the Autumn Statement could affect mortgages and the property market
  • Outline what mortgage brokers are doing to best help their clients
How the Autumn Statement will affect the housing market

Jeremy Hunt announced a raft of tax measures and spending cuts in his first Autumn Statement, including cuts to the capital gains tax allowance and a decision to sunset the previous government’s stamp duty cuts.

Given the housing market is already in disarray amid rampant inflation and rising interest rates, what effect will his fiscal statement have on this market?

This podcast, which is worth 40 minutes of CPD, explores what the new government's Autumn Statement will mean for property sales, mortgage rates, and the advisers helping their clients secure a deal.

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To bank your CPD, answer the questions below after listening to the podcast.


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What effect will the decision to sunset Kwasi Kwarteng's stamp duty cuts have on the market, according to Aaron Forster?

  2. What does Sofia Jones say brokers can do to keep up to speed on market developments?

  3. The Autumn Statement will mainly affect smaller landlords, according to Riz Malik. True or false?

  4. By how much does Malik say prices will fall when the market turns into a buyers' market?

  5. Why does Forster say mortgage affordability will start to change?

  6. What impact will the IHT freeze have on the housing market, according to Malik?

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You should now know…

  • Explain the measures contained in the Autumn Statement
  • Describe how the Autumn Statement could affect mortgages and the property market
  • Outline what mortgage brokers are doing to best help their clients

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