The last few years have been a retirement planning rollercoaster. In a period marked by economic uncertainty, tax changes, accelerated house price inflation and low interest-rates - what role does property play?
A growing number of advisers are seeing the opportunities around considering property wealth to support clients' lifestyles, for tax efficiency and to pass on wealth as a living inheritance. Data shows us that the number of wards in England & Wales with an average house price of more than £1m has increased by 95 per cent in just five years.
There is an emerging group of ‘asset-affluent’ people, who might not have extravagant incomes or lifestyles but, by virtue of the rising value of property, are now effectively millionaires. One of the fastest growing lifetime mortgage segments is clients with homes worth over £1m.
Intergenerational gifting, whether to support first time buyers or just to help younger loved ones is also driving interest in this segment. But what is the role of property in tax effective accumulation and decumulation planning? How exactly does an adviser consult on boosting retirement income without having to draw on the pension pot? How can advisers utilise equity release as a tool to initiate business resilience?
Join us for this one-hour webinar sponsored by Legal & General, as our panel of experts discuss how to maximise your clients' wealth in retirement through property wealth whilst considering the positive knock on effects to wider areas of financial advice.
Rob Miles, national relationships director at Legal & General
Tony Wickenden, founder and managing director of Technical Connection
Simoney Kyriakou, senior editor at FTAdviser
Thursday, October 21 at 11am
To register and to find out more, click HERE.