Sustainable Investing  

Fund Review: Interest in sustainable strategies soars

Premier Ethical

This £151m UK equity strategy run by Chris Wright sits in the IA UK All Companies sector and is primarily focused on capital appreciation. However, Mr Wright’s stock selection is bound by Premier’s ethical committee’s criteria, which provides rules on sectors to avoid and also those to target. The fund cannot invest in tobacco, pornography or weapons, but can target companies improving ethical behaviour. The vehicle is first quartile over all time measures up to five years, providing a three-year return of 32 per cent versus the sector average of 23 per cent. 

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Liontrust Sustainable Future European Growth 

Managed by Neil Brown and Peter Michaelis, this £185m former Alliance Trust Investments fund sits in the IA Europe ex UK sector and operates a growth strategy. The duo’s stock selection is dictated by the firm’s environmental and socially responsible criteria. Stocks are judged on having “strong environmental or social trends”, based on climate change, quality of life, sustainable consumption and risk management characteristics – the latter of which refers to ESG. The fund is first quartile over three years and has returned 46 per cent, compared with an average of 40 per cent by the sector.


Stewart Investors Worldwide Sustainability 

Manager David Gait has won many plaudits, most recently demonstrated by Stewart handing him the flagship Asia Pacific Leaders fund, which has also now shifted to a sustainability strategy. Mr Gait has managed this £408m fund since 2012 and was joined by co-manager Nick Edgerton in 2014. The global equity vehicle picks stocks that “benefit from, and contribute to, the sustainable development of the countries in which they operate”. Firms are judged on their focus on positive sustainability impact, inclusion of ESG and engagement. Over three years the fund has returned 59 per cent versus an IA Global sector average of 42 per cent.