Funds under management at discretionary investment manager Hargreave Hale have surged after the business relocated its headquarters as part of its expansion plans.
The company has passed £7bn of funds under management, after it hit £6bn last August and £5bn in October 2015.
Last year Hargreave Hale moved its headquarters in Blackpool to a new purpose built site as part of a push to recruit new employees and expand the business, which has added around 31 front and back office staff since the move.
Stuart Brooks, joint managing director at Hargreave Hale, called £7bn in funds under management a “significant achievement”, and added that it will help the business deliver results for clients.
“Seven billion pounds in funds under management is a significant achievement and owes much to our commitment to providing high calibre investment solutions, with a clear focus on helping clients achieve their personal investment objectives,” Mr Brookes said.