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Another DFM launches a money market MPS

The appeal of the money market MPS has rocketed over the past year or so as the idea of a world of higher interest rates becomes more entrenched among providers and clients alike. 

EBI is the latest DFM to begin offering such a service with the launch of their money market model portfolio range last week – and it's been given the moniker Vantage Cash Plus. 

“Investing across a range of leading money market and liquidity-focused funds, the portfolio provides a low-risk solution for yield-seeking investors, including those seeking liquidity for drawdown or short-term spending needs,” said Jonathan Griffiths, EBI’s investment product manager. 

Money market funds also offer is a way of benefiting from elevated rates without taking money off the table, locking into anything remotely fixed term, or accepting the often-paltry interest rate offered by retail banks.

Indeed EBI’s new range prioritises liquidity: it hopes to offer Sonia + 0.1 per cent, which offers flexibility to investors with shorter-term time horizons. 

How much, we hear you ask?

The range has an underlying fund charge of 10bps plus their DFM fee of 12bps, making it pretty cheap in the grand scheme of things.

Speaking of the devil, Griffiths featured on our recent Asset Allocator podcast to discuss which factor tilts he’s leaning towards at the moment, and how EBI is approaching the theme of artificial intelligence in their passive offerings at the moment.

It was also not so long ago that we had a chat with their chief executive and CIO Craig Burgess about why he thinks actively constructing portfolios is a ‘waste of time’. Read on, here.

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