Partner Content by HSBC UK

Great service comes with great relationships

We want to help brokers get answers to straightforward questions without any unnecessary delays. We know brokers are a progressive community who are happy to embrace multiple methods of communication if it means quicker responses and comprehensive answers.

Smarter tech spreads the workload and therefore it frees-up the phone lines, so when you really need to speak to someone, it's easier to get through and we can dedicate more time to helping you. It also means you don’t need to be tied to the hours our phone lines are operational and a lot of your case admin can be done out of office hours, at a time that is convenient to you that fits with your work/life balance.

Leveraged technology is always central to our plans and we’ll be announcing further enhancements to our service throughout 2022. Adopting more AVMs and Desktop valuations, as an example, certainly speeds things up as well as reducing paper based packaging requirements. Ensuring credit polices remain up to date and fit for purpose for the constantly evolving economic climate in the UK is also paramount. We’re constantly seeking feedback from our broker partners as to what more we can do to keep our policies pin sharp.

Also if you want to speak directly to an underwriter about a case, why not? Offering direct access to the Underwriter who is underwriting your application allows for more efficient communication and ensures that we can capture the full information of the case directly from the broker.

Looking ahead

Here at HSBC UK, we’ll continue to develop and enhance our broker proposition, whilst also maintaining a service that is totally dedicated to delivering the best possible outcome for you and your customers. We know that brokers place a whole lot of trust in the lender they choose and we don’t take that for granted, our dedicated team of people and our continued investment in service enablers should be a clear signal of our intent.

Chris Pearson
Head of Intermediary Mortgages, HSBC UK