Personal Pension  

A silk purse for pensioners

What is really needed is a once-and-for-all overhaul of the whole pensions system, including those who are already saving. The huge sums currently spent on tax relief could be much better spent on a simpler system, such as a flat rate of relief for all. For example, a 33 per cent rate of relief could be presented as a £1 government contribution for each £2 you put in to a pension.

With a sensible and fair rate of relief, and a sensible annual allowance, it would be possible to get rid of the complexity of lifetime allowances (and tapered annual allowances) altogether. There would be something in this proposal for everyone.

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We must not let our gloom over the shocking short-term changes to pensions close our eyes to the window for reform which has just been opened, however narrowly. Over the next few months I hope we will see a growing consensus for carefully considered, proper reform of pensions tax relief so that we can genuinely tackle the crisis of under-saving in this country.

Steve Webb was minister of state for pensions between 2010 and 2015

Key points

The reduction of the lifetime allowance to £1m will simply make matters over the lifetime allowance worse.

Real damage could come if top and middle managers decide to do minimal pension saving.

What is really needed is a once-and-for-all overhaul of the whole pensions system.