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Income Options - November 2014



    In truth this aphorism is simply axiomatic. The bulk of equities performance over the longer term is driven by dividends; most portfolios are based around the concept of a predictable income base around which to build more speculative capital growth bets.

    Income options are also typically the ultra safe foundation of any effective investment plan: defensive blue-chip equities, ultra-safe government debt or top-of-the-capital-structure corporate debt.

    The fly in the ointment is that the risk vs return balance has been progressively tipping away from investors in recent years, as risk-free yields have plummeted and even equity dividends have dwindled. People have been looking for alternatives and found solace in property and trusts.

    Now, with pension freedoms set to push more to seek investment-based income for longer, this space is in sharp focus in particular relation to the yields available, the risk that needs to be taken, and the range of options open to newly empowered retirees.

    This special report will elucidate the key issues by focusing on the major equity income and bond sectors, as well as the investment trusts and property vehicles which are also moving into the mainstream and are lining up to take much of this new business.

    This special report is sponsored by Architas. All editorial is independent.

    In this special report


    Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

    1. What has been the change in yield in the IMA UK Equity Income sector since 2010

    2. And what has been the change in the IMA Sterling Corporate Bond sector?

    3. According to Mr Morton, given the dragging back of risk-free rates with what level of return should investors be happy?

    4. What annual income would £100,000 invested in the average UK Equity Income trust on 1 September 1994 have generated by 31 August 1995?

    5. And what income would the same amount invested at the same date have generated annually on average by 31 August this year?

    6. What did Aviva recently hike its return forecasts for 2015 on its property fund to? 17.2 per cent

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