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Protection - August 2013



    But when serious illness or accident strikes, protection products come into their own. Stories are legion among advisers of the gratitude of clients – in particular their spouses – who took out a protection policy and had to call on it.

    With the publication of industry claims statistics, and increasing transparency among providers on what preparation of claims were turned down, protection policies are starting to gain more respectability. But it is still an uphill struggle, determined in part by the adviser’s knowledge and the expense and complexity of some of the products.

    Moves have been afoot to make protection products more appealing, and to simplify them to some extent. Income protection has in particular been affected, and providers have attempted to produce simple IP products, but the government has not included this form of insurance on its list of kitemarked products. Despite this providers have been coming out with short-term IP which offers cover for a limited time only.

    Innovations are also taking place with the underwriting aspect of the product. One of the biggest problems is waiting the six or seven weeks for GPs to come back with the medical response to a provider’s request. This might mean relying on GPs’ reports as a last resort and doing more online applications.

    But when it comes to selecting the right product, some advisers have felt hampered by what is available from their network. Many experienced restricted panels, often offering higher commission rates than the norm. Opinion is divided on whether they are suitable.

    Whichever way advisers go it is a given that if they want to offer the holistic service to the client, protection is an important, if unloved, element.

    Melanie Tringham is features editor of Financial Adviser

    This special report is produced in association with Zurich. For product information, click here.

    In this special report


    Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

    1. When was a watershed moment in the IP underwriting story, according to Daniel Liberto?

    2. How long does it typically take to get a GP report, according to Daniel Liberto?

    3. What is the name of Tenet’s critical illness tool, according to Edmund Tirbutt?

    4. Which of the following is NOT on Sesame’s panel, according to Edmund Tirbutt?

    5. According to Jennifer Gilchrist. Income protection was on the list of government kite-marked savings and insurance products published in March, true or false?

    6. According to Jennifer Gilchrist, the initial proposal for simplified income protection, gave as an example, cover of £1,000 a month, and applicants had to verify that cover did not exceed how much of earnings?

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